Energy Regulatory Office,Towards-more-competition-and-security-of-gas-supplies.html
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Towards more competition and security of gas supplies

The President of URE designated GAZ-SYSTEM as a transmission system operator on the Polish section of Yamal pipeline.

On November 17th, 2010 the Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. was designated a transmission system operator (‘TSO’) on the Polish section of Yamal - Europe Transit Gas Pipeline System for a period of 15 years, until December 31st, 2025. EuRoPol GAZ Transit Gas Pipeline System remains the owner of the Polish section of Yamal pipeline.

- During press conference Mr. Marek Woszczyk, The Vice President of Energy Regulatory Office, informed that due to the key role of the TSO for the Polish gas market functioning and in order to ensure that TSOs’ functions will be fulfilled without any delay, the administrative decision was given an immediate enforceability rigour.

Improvement of operation transparency

Basic duties of the TSO include offering transmission services to all gas market participants in nondiscriminatory way and informing all interested parties about transmission services conditions as well as ensuring secure transmission system operation and ensuring connections with other transmission systems.

The decision issued by the President of URE establishes boundary conditions necessary to guaranty the TSO’s independence in fulfillment of its duties within a system owned by other entity. Persons responsible for the TSO management have to act independently from the EuRoPol GAZ TGPS’s management. To guaranty nondiscriminatory access to the Polish section of Yamal - Europe Transit Gas Pipeline System for all interested parties, TSO is also obliged to fulfill its tasks using objective and transparent criteria. The Energy Act allows the TSO (GAZ-SYSTEM) to determine with the transmissions assets owner (EuRoPol GAZ) detailed rules for fulfillment of the TSO’s duties under the framework of an agreement.

Competition and Third Party Access

While explaining importance of the URE’s decision, Vice President Woszczyk said that the designation of GAZ-SYSTEM as the operator of the Polish section of the Yamal-Europe pipeline is a big step forward in process of creating competitive conditions for further development of the Polish gas supplies market. Ensuring the third party access to the transmission system on nondiscriminatory basis is among the main TSO’s duties.

More investments as a key factor in improvement of natural gas supplies security

The designation of the pipeline operator and close cooperation between the TSO and EuRoPol Gas should contribute to intensification of investments into the gas transmission infrastructure in Poland. It is expected that it will be an incentive for other gas companies to build new underground gas storages, which are playing a key role in improving gas supplies security. 


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