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Electricity prices for generators’ settlements within their groups drop again

For a year now, URE has been calculating and publishing the average electricity price from generators’ settlements with their affiliates. Quarter by quarter, a falling trend has been observed.

The average energy price in the last quarter of 2023 was 736.61 PLN/MWh, over 17 per cent (127.41 PLN/MWh) lower than the price in the first quarter of 2023 (864.02 PLN/MWh).

The price for the fourth quarter was calculated on the basis of data submitted by generators, which covered electricity deliveries with a total volume of more than 19 TWh.

Figure 1. Average price of energy from generators’ settlements with affiliated entities in 2023 (PLN/MWh)

Source: URE


  • The publication by the President of URE of the quarterly average electricity price from generators’ settlements with affiliated entities is required in accordance with the provisions of the Energy Law of July 2022.[1] For the first time the indicator was published for the first quarter of 2023.
  • The calculations are based on data on the performance of contracts or group settlement agreements under which power generators sell, buy or account for electricity. The resulting price is stated as the net price (excluding VAT) and takes into account additional revenues or costs resulting from settlements under the respective agreement.
  • Data for the fourth quarter of 2023 can be found in the Communication of the President of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office No. 05/2024.

[1] Article 49aa(2) the Energy Law Act of 10 April 1997 (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 1385, as amended).


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