Tag electricity market
electricity market
Electricity market: a historic sectoral agreement between the Regulator and the Distribution System Operators
The President of the Energy Regulatory Office (URE) and the heads of the five largest electricity distributors in Poland signed the Charter for the Efficient Transformation of Poland’s Power Distribution Networks
Electricity market: The 2023 Redispatch Report from the President of URE
The President of URE (Energy Regulatory Office) has authored a report on Polish electrical power redispatch in 2023
In 2023, nearly 26,000 customers switched their electricity supplier. In total, nearly one million customers have opted for such change since 2007
Last year, almost 18,000 household customers (group G) and 8,000 in business tariff groups (A,B,C) switched their electricity supplier.
The President of the Energy Regulatory Office (URE) approved amendments to the Capacity Market Rules