Preliminary Notice
Intermediate/Advanced Training Course PRICE REGULATION & TARIFFS
organized by Energy Regulators Regional Association (ERRA)
March 17-20, 2008
This 4-day Course is to equip students with the core concepts, objectives and techniques of designing and evaluating rate structures in the energy sector which guarantee fair rate of return for the regulated companies; increase of productivity and efficiency of regulated companies over time; fair and reasonable tariffs for end users; a transparent tariff setting procedure.
Module 1 introduces financial analysis, one of the basic inputs of tariff development and control, it also describes the method of determining the revenue requirement of regulated energy companies.
Module 2 after a short introduction of basic economic concepts, describes the basic normative approaches and methods of tariff design.
Module 3 contains a classification of observable consumption patterns and corresponding consumer tariffs. The module also explains the rationale behind the regulation of prices through which access to transmission grids can be obtained by the participants of the competitive market.
Module 4 compares the practical policies of rate-of-return and incentive regulation under different industry conditions, and draws attention to the often conflicting objectives involved in the process of designing a practical regulatory policy.
Module 5 shows how the likely effects of different policy measures can be investigated, and raises some important aspects to be considered when assessing social impacts of energy policy decisions.
The Course is facilitated by the Regional Center for Energy Policy Research (REKK). Prof. Peter Kaderjak. Director of REKK was Chairman of ERRA and President of the Hungarian Energy Office. Currently he teaches at the Corvinus University of Budapest. In addition to REKK, classes are expected to be taught by former and practicing regulators.
DATES: MARCH 17-20, 2008
LOCATION: Budapest, Hungary
Track I is exclusively designed for mid-senior level practicing energy regulators, admission will be provided only to regulators.
Track II is available to non-regulators such as ministry and local government representatives, banking institutions, law and investment firms, consulting companies and regulated utility companies.
Each Track is limited to 30 participants so we suggest early registration!
ERRA-Members: €1,000;
Non-ERRA Member
Regulators: €1,500
Non Regulators: €,2000
Tuition fee includes: training materials, accommodation for 4 nights, lunches, coffee breaks during the course.
For more information on the course, please refer to the website of the Price Regulation and Tariffs Training at:
Contact Us:
by phone at +36 1 477 0456 or by fax at +36 1 477 0455